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Play Hard, Work Hard

Alison Wilson

Hi everyone! We have mostly a picture update this time. Therapy schedules are a little different because of the summer. James has had a week of conductive education camp in the mornings, along with Medek, osteopathy, massage and Grandview all mixed in. And we've made time for lots of summer fun at the zoo, parks, and the cottage my parents rented while my sister was in town visiting from Oxford, England. We play hard and work hard!

Dancing and Singing with the big kids at Conductive Education camp with the March of Dimes!

Working with Judy (Osteopath):

James and Kate (Grandview) have such a great connection:

Shannon tried out kinesio tape on James during his massage. It helps relax his hamstring muscles.

Picnic at the park celebrating Father's Day

Penner Retirement Party

Fun with Uncle Luke:

Time with the great grandparents, Grandma and Papa Boakes:

Aunt Debbie and James snuggles

Grandma and Shae

James pulled Rory's hair and thought it was hilarious!

Park fun:

Merry-Go-Round at the Whitby Ribfest

Cottage Fun:

James, Shae and their cousin, Abby

Fun at the zoo splash pad with family



© 2019 Journey with James Michael

First Aid

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