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Writer's pictureMike Wilson

ABM Part 3, Medek & Winding Trail

ABM Part 3

James began his last set of ABM sessions the first week of February.  This was the fourth month in a row that we have devoted to this type of therapy in addition to Grandview.  We wanted to give ABM a good chance to succeed without conflicting with other methods of therapies.  We will take a break from ABM for awhile now, until a "tune up" (as Judy calls it) is necessary.  ABM is often used in this way - children go 1 or 2 times a year for intensives or as necessary instead of a continual weekly therapy approach.  Judy would like to see James again when he has had more time to work on our at home exercises and when he is ready for the next milestones of mobility. She suggests that you can only go as fast as his nervous system allows you.  Within the last four months James has gained lots of practice rolling and is beginning to show signs that he is interested in what is next.  Thank you Judy, and bye for now.

Medek Therapy

After researching and speaking with a number of other parents who have "CP warriors" of their own, we decided that the next therapy for James would be with Jo-Anne from Medek therapy.  Her company is called S.M.I.L.E. Therapy and you can visit their website by following the link below:

The Medek (CME) approach to physiotherapy for children with motor delay is very different than ABM's 9 essentials approach.  Here is a description about Medek therapy taken from the Jo-Anne's website:

"It was developed by Ramon Cuevas in Caracas, Venezuela between 1971 and 1973. Medek comes from the Spanish acronym that means dynamic method for motor stimulation.  ​The basic CME assumption is that in a gravitational environment, we require postural control and the ability to pull up against gravity, to stabilize our body in space. Gravity is considered the main stimulus that triggers the neuromuscular system to react.

Our brains automatically react to our environment. We live in a world with gravity and our brain is designed with many automatic responses to gravity, as well as adjustments in tone. In CME therapy we place the child in a position where gravity is requiring a response, and then we wait for them to complete it, with gradually less assistance over time.  In this way the brain practices these normal automatic responses and develops the appropriate synapses to make the response a consistent reaction.

No equipment other than the box set, tubes and table are required. Ex, AFO’s, Walkers etc. are not used during the therapy session. The aim of CME is for the child to move independently against gravity."

Jo-Anne is supportive and knowledgeable with over 20 years in the field of physiotherapy across a number of countries. She keeps up to date with the most current research about brain development, and above all, Jo-Anne is known for getting results.  She works children hard because she knows they are smart and they will respond.  Beginning Medek therapy for James has been difficult, with lots of crying as he is required to do things he has not yet done before such as balancing on his knees and standing.  In our first three visits Jo-Anne has already seen amazing progress and strength in him which is encouraging.  James is at the stage now where you can tell he desires to go beyond rolling to crawling. Medek will help him make the connections and brain synapses necessary so that he can experience how he can do this.

The Warriors

You can tell from this video below that the crying is because he is working hard.  He is learning to engage his muscles to work against gravity as Jo-Anne and Mariana support him to accomplish this.  James has always had a fighting spirit, as do the other children we have met at therapy who have CP.  This is why we call them CP warriors.  They are all warriors.  They battle against the spasticity in their body in ways that are truly inspiring.  It is hard work.  James is building a mental resiliency that will help him soldier on and face his challenges.  This is his marathon.

I wrote a song that describes our experiences of pressing on amidst challenges.  I hope you can connect it to the marathons you run as well.

Winding Trail

You only take one step at a time,

And every step is a mountain to climb,

The path we’re on is a marathon one step at a time

You only live one day at a time,

And some days you’ll fall behind,

The path we’re on is a marathon one day at a time

If we never chose the winding trail,

If we lost our faith or let fear prevail,

Then we’d never see the beauty in how far we’ve come

The path will lead ya where you least expect

It will turn you around, it will leave you a wreck,

The path we’re on is a marathon one turn at a time

You’ll wanna pick up the pace, You’ll wanna slow down the race,

You’ll wanna find someone whose willing to take your place,

The path you’re on is a marathon and now is your time


The path will lead you through the valley of the shadow of death,

But Thy rod and Thy staff bring comfort and rest,

The path we’re on is a marathon one prayer at a time

You’ve gotta trust your heart, You’ve gotta trust your head,

You’ve got a crowd of people cheering you on ‘til the end.

The path we’re on is a marathon one step at a time


Do you see the beauty in the race you’ve run?

Do you see the beauty in the marathon?

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