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2019 Posts

Alison Wilson

Day 3 lived up to the challenge as being the dreaded day for patients when they're required to get up for the first time after 3 days of being in bed. In the morning, after James had his catheter and epidural removed, we were taught how to get James up to a sitting position and transfer to his stroller. We also talked about precautions for lifting and motions to avoid in his initial rehabilitation. Our afternoon therapy appointment was in the gym and it pushed James from the start.

Mad at us for making him get out of bed

A major change for James post SDR is to learn how to activate isolated muscle groups. When he had spasticity, his muscles would contract all at once. Isolating these muscle groups is a completely new experience for James and will take time to get used to this new ability. Our physiotherapist today, Jordan, was great to push through James' spirited ways (see photos below). We sensed he was more angry than anything this afternoon that he was having to work!

This morning we enjoyed some time in the garden on the 8th floor of the hospital. We'll take James up there today or tomorrow before we're discharged on Tuesday morning. It's beautiful.

We've had some happy and restful moments today too.

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Alison Wilson

James has had a better day than yesterday. He didn't require as many pain meds and he's had a good appetite. He enjoyed a visit with his Gran, Opa and sister this morning. We're watching again and again James' favourite shows so we're running out of new things to keep him entertained. It's a long time to stay in bed! Tomorrow we're told by many families is a hard day when they will get James out of bed and start some physiotherapy. But we're ready for some change so bring it on!

Shae is enjoying her time with Gran and Opa.

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Writer's pictureMike Wilson

Today was a tough day, as was expected, because James is recovering from yesterday's surgery. Whenever he wakes up he has had some painful spasms that make him quite upset requiring some attention from the pain team here in St. Louis. However, he is recovering well. James has been able to drink some apple juice and eat a peanut butter sandwich already.

We're thankful to have Heather Ann and James (Ali's parents) here to care for Shae while we are at the hospital with James Michael. It was nice to have them stop by for a visit this morning.

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2018 Posts

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